Kindergarten is where I became excited applying different colors of paint to a surface in any way I pleased. From there, it was a continuous upward trajectory to the California College of Arts. For the next forty years painting was intermittently squeezed in around family and the day job.

My aunt, a distinguished painter, introduced me to Pam Glover of Orinda who guided me through many enjoyable years of plein air oil painting, including fun romps to Virginia City, Sonoma, and other locations. More recently I have been fortunate to work in watercolor with Karen Frey in Oakland and participate in workshops with Melinda Cootsona and Jerry McLaughlin. These have included work in cold wax methods which have helped me to become more abstract. Several years ago I realized that one could glue yarn or cord onto board and come up with some interesting fiber art.

Over the years my work has been displayed in a variety of group and solo shows. In 2023 one of my pieces was accepted and displayed at the De Young Museum as part of the De Young Open show for local artists.